
用靈氣治療登陸不適症候群 Treating Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) with Reiki
我在當地醫生的候診室為患者提供靈氣。開始這項工作後不久,我注意到其中一名工作人員海蒂 (Heidi) 在走路時緩慢移動並支撐著自己。她告訴我,她一個月前在一次遊輪上度假後,從那以後一直頭暈、疲勞、感到不平衡,並且難以集中注意力。當我讓她告訴我更多時,她解釋說,在六天遊輪假期的第三天,船停在牙買加。 “當我們下船時,我問我丈夫碼頭是否在移動。他說沒有,有點好笑地看著我。那天斷斷續續地,我一直覺得自己有點搖擺不定。然而,當我們回到船上時,我感覺很好。然後,回到邁阿密後,我一下船,就感覺到一種頭昏、搖晃的感覺。我沒想太多;這是我們的第一次巡航旅行,所以我認為它會消失。我丈夫說他斷斷續續地有同樣的感覺,其他朋友說這很正常。我丈夫搖晃的感覺持續了四天。”

後來她的情況變得更糟了。 兩週後,她無法不扶著東西走路,以避免摔倒。 她感到一種搖晃與晃動的感覺,還有一些腦霧狀態、頭痛、耳朵脹滿、沉重,以及頭部和顱底部被重力拉動的感覺。 唯一能讓她稍微鬆一口氣的方法就是躺下或坐下。感到十分害怕的海蒂去找她的主要照護員,她進行了一些實驗室測試,但似乎沒有任何問題,即使她和照護員都知道事情有些嚴重。 她被轉介給眼鼻喉專家,專家診斷她患有登陸不適症候群( Mal de debarquement Syndrome 或 Disembarkment Syndrome (MdDS))。 簡單解釋一下,MdDS 是一種暈動病,在運動結束後仍會持續很長時間,導致海蒂親身體驗到的許多問題。 她工作處的一名執業護士建議使用靈氣,“所以我試了一下。在那個時候,我什麼都敢嘗試。”

聽完她的故事後,我給了海蒂一個 20 分鐘的靈氣治療。我的第一直覺是先平衡她的能量。我使用了整合技術(手腕和腳踝交叉,10分鐘後反轉,給予頭部和腳部靈氣)。在治療後她感到有些緩解,但兩天后她還是一樣。 “在我的第一次治療之後,他們問我感覺如何,老實說,我並沒有感到多少改善。後來我給了海蒂一個 20 分鐘的傳統靈氣治療,這再次給了暫時的緩解。第二天,我在辦公室工作,她打電話請病假,因為她的症狀越來越嚴重。那天晚上我在互聯網上進行了研究,這導致我意識到這可能是一個能量的接地問題(grounding issue),因為我的大部分研究都指向 MdM 患者將自己接地。我的想法是,我通常會引導的更高頻率的生命力能量其實對於接地沒有幫助。然而,我在前兩次治療中引導靈氣的方式並沒有為她實現這一點。

下一次我們都在辦公室時,我們又做了 20 分鐘的靈氣治療,當時我向她解釋說我將使用不同的靈氣技術。 這一次,我將手留在了她的腳底。 我的目的是讓自己盡可能地紮根於大地,我通過想像建築物拐角處的樹來做到這一點。 我看到並感覺到自己沉入了根部,輕輕地將她拉下。 在整個治療過程中,我在腦海中重複著臼井靈氣和 Karuna Reiki® 接地符號的名稱。 之後,我寫下了讓她將自己的能量連接大地的指示。

海蒂報告說,治療後,她的感覺很棒。 頭昏/晃動的感覺從 8-10分 下降到 3-4分。 “這是非常驚人的。 我能夠回家,並且比幾週前更能夠多活動一點。 在與肯合作的另一次治療之後,我繼續感覺好多了。 現在,我的症狀大約是 2 分。” 幾天后我見到了海蒂,她看起來像另一個人。 她臉上的顏色又回來了,她微笑著。 擁抱後,她告訴我幾乎沒有任何剩餘的症狀。

“我是一個普通人,對靈氣的工作原理知之甚少。 在此之前我從未有過任何經驗,但我可以告訴你,在進行了靈氣課程之後,我是一個靈氣的信徒。 我告訴大家靈氣。 這對我來說真的是一次了不起的經歷。 非常感謝 Stephanie Gale 向我提出這個建議,感謝 Martha Hackett 博士向這個奇妙的靈氣世界開放她的辦公室,最後但同樣重要的是,感謝靈氣大師 Ken Egbert 與我分享他的美妙禮物。”

作者姓名:肯·埃格伯特 Ken Egbert

《靈氣幫助酗酒者和癮君子恢復 》
《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》

Treating Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) with Reiki
I offer Reiki to patients in a local doctor’s waiting room. Shortly after starting this work, I noticed Heidi, one of the staff members, moving slowly and bracing herself as she walked. She told me that she had been on a cruise a month before and since then had been dizzy, fatigued, imbalanced, and was having difficulty concentrating. When I asked her to tell me more, she explained that on the third day of the six-day cruise vacation, the ship stopped in Jamaica. “When we got off the ship, I asked my husband if the pier was moving. He said no and looked at me kind of funny. On and off that day, I kept feeling like I was swaying a bit. When we got back on the ship, however, I was fine. Then, after arriving back in Miami, as soon as I got off the ship, I felt a swaying, rocking sensation. I didn’t think much of it; it was our first cruise, so I figured it would go away. My husband said he was feeling the same way off and on, and other friends said this was pretty normal. My husband’s swaying sensation lasted four days.”

Her situation worsened. In two weeks, she couldn’t walk without holding onto something to keep her from falling. She felt a rocking, bobbing sensation, and also some brain fog, headaches, ear fullness, heaviness, and the sensation of gravitational pull on her head and bottom. The only way she could get a small amount of relief was to lie or sit down. Scared, Heidi went to her primary care provider, who ran some lab tests, but nothing appeared to be wrong, even though she and the provider knew that something was seriously wrong. She was referred to an eye, nose and throat specialist, who diagnosed her with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome or Disembarkment Syndrome (MdDS). Simply explained, MdDS is a form of motion sickness that can continue long after the motion has ended, causing many problems as Heidi had learned firsthand. A nurse practitioner at her job suggested Reiki, “so I gave it a shot. At that point, I would have tried anything.”

After hearing her story, I offered Heidi a 20 minute Reiki session. My first instinct was to balance her energies. I used the integration technique (wrists and ankles crossed, reversed after 10 minutes, Reiki at the head and feet). She felt some relief after the treatment but two days later she was the same. “After my first session, they asked how I felt and honestly, I didn’t feel much relief. I later gave Heidi a 20 minute traditional Reiki session, which again gave temporary relief. The following day, I was working in the office and she had called in sick because her symptoms were getting worse. I spent that night doing research on the Internet, which led to the realization that it was probably a grounding issue, since most of my research pointed to MdM sufferers grounding themselves. My thought was that the higher frequency Life Force Energy that I would normally channel would not be as helpful for grounding. Yet, the way that I had channeled the Reiki in our previous two sessions had not accomplished this for her.

The next time we were both in the office, we did another 20 minute session, at which time I explained to her that I would be making use of a Reiki different technique. This time, I stayed at her feet. My intention was to ground myself as strongly as possible, which I did by visualizing the tree at the corner of the building. I saw and felt myself sinking into the roots and gently pulled her down with me. I repeated the names of the Usui and Karuna Reiki® grounding symbols in my head throughout the entire treatment. Afterward, I gave her written directions on grounding herself.

Heidi reported that after the session, she felt great. The swaying/bobbing sensation went from an 8–10 down to a 3–4. “It was amazing. I was able to go home and function a little more than I had in weeks. After another session with Ken, I continued to feel better. Now, I’m at about a 2 on the scale.” I saw Heidi a few days later and she looked like a different person. The color was back in her face and she was smiling. After a hug she told me that there were barely any remaining symptoms.

“I’m an average Joe and don’t know much about how Reiki works. I’ve never had any experiences with it before this, but I can tell you that after having the Reiki sessions, I’m a believer. I tell everyone about Reiki. This has been truly an amazing experience for me. Many thanks to Stephanie Gale for suggesting this to me, to Dr. Martha Hackett for opening up her office to this wonderful world of Reiki and last, but not least, to Ken Egbert the Reiki Master for sharing his wonderful gift with me.”

Author Name: Ken Egbert

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