
【靈氣治療貓咪與癌症 Cats and Cancer】

我的兩隻貓更喜歡靈氣而不是貓薄荷。我們的老貓托比(Toby) 被診斷出患有腎臟疾病,如果沒有每日補充點滴/輸液和進行昂貴的手術,她肯定會痛苦地死去。那是在 2004 年的時候;當時我是一名二級的靈氣研習者。

我立即開始對貓進行靈氣治療,而她非常樂意接受。 2003年,我在格拉斯頓伯里(Glastonbury)參加了威廉的導師班訓練;這是我生命中最神奇的時刻之一。謝謝威廉。我們最後的靈氣點化是在巨石陣內進行的。 (這導致了我的第二個故事……但讓我們先將貓咪托比的故事結束。)

當我從英國回來時,那堂課將我的技術和與萬物之源的連結提高到了一個令人難以置信的高度。從那以後,我一直在盡可能地進行教學的工作。托比……現在 16 歲了,像小貓一樣蹦蹦跳跳。每當她心情不好的時候,她就會跳到我的腿上,抓住我的腿,讓我知道她想要靈氣。然後當她吃飽了,她會咬住我的手指。這是一次美妙的結合體驗……因此獸醫仍然無法相信這隻貓還活著。哈哈

第二個故事不是我的,而是與我以其威廉的英國訪問有關。我的旅伴是布萊恩,他跟我是同一個班級。他的父親在將近 80 歲時被診斷出患有四期肺癌。他的父親幾乎已經決定放棄,並拒絕接受治療和臨終關懷。布萊恩站在巨石陣的門石之間,將遠距離的靈氣傳送給他的父親……後來當他回到美國的家時,他發現父親的健康狀況驚人地好轉。透過更多遠距離的治療,(因為他父親根本不接受任何治療),他父親的病情完全緩解,身體任何地方都沒有癌症。醫生們實際上使用了奇蹟這個詞。他的父親後來又享受了四年的健康生活,直到他最終因心臟病發作而過世。




《動物愛靈氣(Animals Love Reiki)》

Cats and Cancer
My two cats go nuts more for Reiki than catnip. Our eldest cat Toby, was diagnosed with kidney disorders and that without daily fluids and possibly an expensive surgery she would surely die painfully. This was back in 2004; at the time I as a Level II Reiki practitioner. I immediately began extensive Reiki treatments to the cat, which she very willingly accepted. In 2003, I attended William Rand’s Master teacher class in Glastonbury; One of the most magical moments in my life. Thanks William. Our final attunement was performed within the circle of Stonehenge. (Which leads to my second story... but lets finish with Toby the cat first.) When I returned from England, that class shot my skills and connection with the source to an incredible height. I had been teaching as often as possible ever since. Toby the cat... is now 16, and prancing like a kitten. Whenever she’s having a low day, she jumps in my lap and claws my legs to let me know she wants Reiki. Then when she’s had her fill, she nips my fingers. It’s a wonderful bonding experience... and consequently the vet still can’t believe this cat is still alive. lol

The second story is not mine but is linked to my England visit with William. My traveling companion was Brian, who came to the same class too. His father was diagnosed with stage four lung cancers at nearly 80 years of age. His father had pretty much decided this was it, and refused treatment and hospice care. Brian stood between the gate stones of Stonehenge and sent long distance Reiki to his father... when he returned home to the states, he found his father in an amazing turnaround of health. With some more long distance treatments, (because his father wasn't really receptive of any treatment whatsoever) his dad had a complete remission, no cancer in his body anywhere. The doctors actually used the word Miracle. His father enjoyed four more years of healthy life until he finally succumbed to a heart attack.

These were just two stories of my experiences with Reiki, and more happen every day. However the most miraculous effects of Reiki healing are when I teach. Reiki loves being shared, and my students always write back saying "I don’t know how I lived without it!"

Blessed Be.

Author Name:
Rev. Matt Thoma

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