靈氣有助於 關節炎、腕管症候群 和 多發性硬化症 Reiki Helps Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel and MS
戴安娜皮爾斯 Diana Pearce
我患有多發性硬化症。當我在 Y 努力增強我的身體力量時,我遇到了我的靈氣大師。我接受了他的治療,他第二次來訪時給了我靈氣一階學位證書。而我的 40 歲生日禮物是我的二階證書。
擁有靈氣極大地緩解了我的挫敗感。我母親的腿上有關節炎,這可能會使她癱瘓。靈氣幫助緩解疼痛讓這些症狀在 5 個月後停止,我每天只有進行 10 分鐘靈氣,沒有使用力量符號!
靈氣讓我的兄弟能夠繼續他的行李搬運工工作,而沒有再次發生腕管症候群。 (我只有在精神許可的情況下才發送能量,因為他持著懷疑態度,但非常需要幫助。)
我的物理治療師 (Reiki I) 現在告訴我在治療期間應該把手放在哪裡。
《美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣療法》
《CNN專題報導-靈氣應用於心臟外科手術 》
《澳洲Channel 7-靈氣癌症輔助療法》
《美國 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣治療白血病》
Reiki Helps Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel and MS
by Diana Pearce
I am writing this to share some stories about how Reiki has affected my life and allowed me to help others.
My original goals have changed over the years, I have been a home economics teacher and a financial planner. My true goal is to be the best healer I am capable of being. My process of personal growth has just begun.
The same “obstacles” that prevented my having an “average” life and a steady income actually led me to most valuable achievement, a Reiki Master degree.
I have multiple sclerosis. While working on building up my strength at the Y, I met my Reiki Master. I had treatments from him and the second time he visited he gave me my first degree. My 40th birthday present was my second degree.
Having Reiki helped ease my frustrations a great deal. My mother had arthritis in her legs, which threatened to cripple her. Reiki and the intention of helping to ease her pain resulted in a cessation of symptoms after 5 months with only 10 minutes a day and no power symbol!
My brother has been able to continue his work as a baggage handler without a reoccurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome. (I admit to sending only with spiritual permission since he is skeptical, but needed help so badly.)
I hope my niece will recognize Reiki by the time she can talk since she has had treatments since before she was born.
Reiki changed my situation from being dependent on others to being able to help them. I have to wait a lot for transportation, but now that I have Reiki hands they are never idle.
My physiotherapist (Reiki I) now tells me where to put my hands during my treatments.
Every time I meet someone with a physical problem, I try to help it with Reiki. Reiki has truly changed my life.