靈氣幫助女性從多發性硬化症(Multiple sclerosis)中康復 Reiki Helps Woman Heal from MS
Valerie J. Kostiw
我個人於1981 年 8 月確診患有 多發性硬化症 (M.S.) 。我的症狀包括身體的韌帶周圍疼痛,雙腿無力沉重,行走不便,無法起身活動,雙手無力,視力模糊或複視,嚴重的情緒波動,膀胱控制不佳或無法控制,背部全身疼痛和腫脹,語言障礙,針刺感,我的症狀會因身體或外界溫度增加而加重。
維生素 E 和維生素 C 對我有些許幫助。腎上腺素(ACTH )治療可以使我暫時擺脫嚴重免疫系統攻擊。而草藥和反射療法也有幫助。
正如我所發現的,多發性硬化症(M.S.)與紅斑性狼瘡是最難治療的疾病之一,我很慶幸自己有決心堅持自己選擇的道路。我曾與幾個 M.S.客戶發現,當他們開始取得很大進步時,他們就會決定停止接受靈氣治療。由於目前醫學界在這方面的合作很少,我沒有得到醫生的鼓勵,但我不會放棄在這方面的工作。
我個人覺得我在多發性硬化症(Multiple sclerosis)的狀況中被解放,如果不是如此,我今天就無法自由自在的移動,因為我目前的生活壓力很大。幾年前,我可能無法在相同的情況下做到任何事情。所以靈氣對我幫助很大。
※多發性硬化症(Multiple sclerosis)是一種脫髓鞘性神經病變,患者腦或脊髓中的神經細胞表面的絕緣物質(即髓鞘)受到破壞,使得神經系統的訊息傳遞受損,導致一系列可能發生的症狀,影響患者的活動、心智、甚至精神狀態。
《靈氣治愈接地問題 》
《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》
Reiki Helps Woman Heal from MS
by Valerie J. Kostiw
I was personally afflicted with M.S. with a diagnosis in August of 1981. My symptoms included elastic bands of pain circling my body, weak heavy legs, impaired walking, no mobility upon rising, dropping things, blurred or double vision, severe mood swings, poor or no bladder control, back pain and swelling, impaired speech, pins and needle sensation throughout my body, and my symptoms were aggravated by heat.
I was helped a little by Vitamin E and Allbee with Vitamin C. ACTH treatments brought me out of severe attacks temporarily. Herbs and reflexology also helped.
I took reflexology and Reiki training. One year later I can walk again and I keep improving on the distance. At the start I was lucky if I could walk a block, and today I don't even think of distance or the temperature. I speak much clearer, I seldom stumble over my words anymore. I have no more double vision. I practice Reiki, reflexology and massage without worrying about the strength in my hands. Book and needle work are no longer a problem for my eyes. I am very active in alternative health work, taking classes as well as teaching.
As I have discovered, M.S. and Lupus are among the hardest diseases to treat, I feel fortunate to have had the determination to stick to the path I chose. I have worked with a couple of M.S. clients and found that when they start to make great progress, they decide to quit having the treatments of Reiki. As there is very little cooperation from the medical community in this area as yet, I have no encouragement from my doctors, but I will not quit working at it.
I personally feel that I am M.S. free, if I wasn't, I would not be mobile today because of the stress involved in my life at this present time. A few years ago I might not have been able to do anything in the same type of a situation. Reiki has helped me tremendously.