
靈氣、化療和癌症 Reiki, Chemo and Cancer
親愛的威廉:我從 1998 年初開始成為靈氣大師,主要使用在我自己和我的寵物上,但我的鄰居 南西 住在兩扇門外,幾個月前患上了癌症,並被診斷為“晚期”。只有在她上床睡覺、幾乎不吃東西、並且有明顯的疼痛之後,她才對我在她身上嘗試靈氣這件事敞開了心扉。我在她旁邊的沙發上坐直,並把手放在她的肝臟部位,也就是他感到疼痛的部位,大約 10 分鐘後,她說感覺好一點,然後移開了一點。我想如果靈氣有幫助我會知道的,果然,第二天她的丈夫出現在我家門口,說南西希望我來帶走她的痛苦!

我每天進行 3-4 次以上的靈氣治療,主要是在肝臟和肺部區域,每次大約 25 分鐘。兩天之內,所有的疼痛都消失了,這讓她的醫生感到困惑,她的第一次化療變得輕而易舉。癌症和化療引起的噁心也被最小化。當我不得不在 南西 的第二次化療之前離開 10 天以便與正在接受背部手術以減輕疼痛的丈夫在一起時,我有機會看到靈氣的作用(那是另一個故事,我的老公很好,而且我在此直接體驗到了一個人先阻斷了靈氣然後卻因此而放鬆下來)。

當我離開時,我讓其他人與 南西 一起工作,並且在我旅行的期間通過幾次的遠距離發送靈氣,但在我回來後得知第二次化療對 南西 來說並不順利,她經歷了幾次疼痛和嚴重的噁心好幾天。在與她一起工作一天后,所有症狀都消失了,她的下一次化療將在幾天后進行。


對 南西 施做靈氣的一個副作用是,在能量透過我傳遞給他人後,我的感覺變得更好!我真誠地希望更多的人能夠被靈氣點化,因為知道我是周圍唯一可以藉由靈氣緩解疼痛的人,這不是一種好感覺。我最深切的希望是靈氣能比現在傳播得更快,即使大多數人都接受了靈氣一階的點化。希望我的房子周圍再也不需要繃帶!




Reiki, Chemo and Cancer
Dear William: I have been a Reiki Master since early in 1998, mainly working on myself and my pets, but Nancy, a neighbor of mine who lives only two doors away, developed cancer some months ago and had a “terminal” diagnosis. Only after she had gone to bed and was barely eating, and had significant pain, was she open to me trying Reiki on her. I sat upright on a sofa next to her and placed my hands on her liver area, the area of the pain, for about 10 minutes, after which she said it was a bit better and moved away a bit. I figured if Reiki was to be of help I would know, and sure enough, the next day her husband showed up at my door and said Nancy wanted me to come and take away her pain!

I have gone over 3–4 times daily and done Reiki sessions, mainly in the liver and lung area for a period of about 25 minutes each. Within two days all pain was gone, which puzzled her doctors, and her first chemo session was a breeze. The nausea from the cancer and chemo is also minimized. I had the opportunity to see how much Reiki was working when I had to leave for 10 days right before Nancy's second chemo session in order to be with my husband who was undergoing back surgery to relieve pain (that's another story, hubby is fine, and I got to directly experience a person blocking Reiki and then relaxing into it).

I attuned others to work with Nancy while I was gone and was able to send by distance Reiki a few times during my travels, but learned upon my return that the second chemo had not gone well for Nancy, who experienced pain and severe nausea for several days. After one day working with her all the symptoms are gone and her next chemo will be in a few days.

I don't know if Reiki and the powers-that-be will allow Nancy to survive liver cancer, but I can tell you that she is most comfortable, eating well and pain free, walking, laughing and having a reasonably good time during which she was supposed to be miserably in pain.

A side effect of doing Reiki on Nancy is that I feel even better after the energy passes through me! I sincerely hope many more people will attune to Reiki because it's not a good feeling to know I am the only one around that can relieve pain thru Reiki. It is my deepest wish that Reiki spread far more rapidly than it has, even if most people attune to Reiki I. The need for bandages around my house is non-existent!

Hello again. I wanted to add a lovely postscript to my months of Reiki work on my friend, Nancy. She got the test results back today... she will live, the "terminal" diagnosis is no longer in effect. Her liver function is almost back to normal, and she will have four more chemo sessions, another test and if entirely free of all traces of cancer, two more "for good measure" chemo sessions. I am in awe. She was nearly dead, with only a few weeks to live when we started Reiki on her. Another friend who is a nurse said she had never seen anyone react so well to chemo. Thank you, Reiki. Thank you, Universe.

Author Name:
Peggy Griffin

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