
一個活下去的機會 A Chance to Live
靈氣不僅對我自己的生活產生了深遠的影響,也對我周圍的人產生了深遠的影響。我在 2002 年 7 月 4 日晚上 11:00 左右在我的答錄機上收到一條消息,請我將靈氣發送給我商業夥伴的未婚夫最好的朋友。這件事發生在3號當天稍晚的時候!他是一名修高塔的工人,因為繩索纏住而滑倒,以至於他墜落了 10 英尺,而且頭骨裂開了,骨頭的碎片直接嵌入了大腦。預後非常不好。家人被告知他無法活過夜。而他和他的妻子將在三週內迎來他們的第一個孩子。當晚家人被告知來見最後一面,第二天一早就會撤掉生命維持系統。將舉行最後的儀式,他們被告知可以先準備葬禮的安排了。

我沒有病人的名字,只有醫院的名字和大致的位置,離我在西弗吉尼亞州的家大約 60 英里。大約在 4 日晚上 11 點 20 分,我開始了遠距離靈氣治療。掃描時發現頭頸部有明顯外傷,但情況穩定,碎骨手術成功,無感染。因求生的意志如此強烈,以至於我知道這個人即使受傷也能活下去。我也知道他會癱瘓,但也許在他的餘生不會。我繼續發送靈氣接近半小時。不幸的是,我不得不在第二天早上 8:00 為我自己的客戶先上床休息。睡覺前,我把這件事寫在靈氣治療陣上,上床給所有人祈禱,尤其是這個男人。

第二天早上 7:00 時,我接到一個電話:“有效!有效!靈氣真的有效!”醫院拔掉了所有的插頭,這個人是為了所有的意圖和目的,他活著而且不會死!我從來沒有和這個人說過話,甚至不認識他,但知道靈氣可以而且會幫助他,這是他更高的自我所允許的。在這件事發生前一周,我剛剛將我的商業夥伴點化到靈氣 I 級,她同意了,是的!靈氣可以創造奇蹟。這是最好的一件事。


Lydia C.Smith, LMT/RM/D.Ay



A Chance to Live
Reiki has had a profound influence not only on my own life, but also on those around me. I received a message on my answering machine at about 11:00 PM, July 4, 2002, that could I PLEASE send Reiki to my business partner's fiancé's best friend. This incident had happened late in the day on the 3rd! He was a high tower repair worker and had slipped, tangling in the ropes so that the fall of 10 feet caused him to not only land on his crown, but split it wide open, embedding pieces of bone directly into the brain. The prognosis was NOT good at all. The family was told that he would not live through the night. He and his wife were expecting their first-born child in three weeks. The family was told to gather and that life support would be pulled early the next morning. Last rites were given, and they were told to prepare the funeral arrangements.

I had no patient name, just the hospital's name and general location, about 60 miles from my home here in West Virginia. I began long-distance Reiki at approximately 11:20 PM, the night of the 4th. In scanning, I found the head and neck were obviously traumatized, but stable, surgery to remove bone fragments was successful, no infection. The will to live was flowing so strongly that I knew this man would live despite his injuries. I also knew he would be paralyzed, but perhaps not for the rest of his life. I continued to send Reiki for close to half an hour. Unfortunately, I had to get to bed to be rested for my own clients at 8:00 AM the next morning. Before bed, I placed a description of this incident on the Reiki grid, went to bed sending prayers to all, especially this man.

At 7:00 AM, the next morning I received a call that: "It worked! It worked! The Reiki worked!" The hospital pulled all plugs and the man was for all intents and purposes, ALIVE and NOT going to die! I've never spoken with this man, don't even know him, but knew that Reiki could and would help him, which his higher self allowed. I had just attuned my business partner to Reiki Level I the week before this incident and she agreed, that yes! Reiki can work miracles. It's the best.

Love to all,

Author Name:
Lydia C.Smith, LMT/RM/D.Ay

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