
靈氣幫助糖尿病 Reiki Helps Diabetic


你可能會問我為什麼在你沒有見過我或沒有和我說話的情況下感謝你。我很驕傲屬於你的靈氣傳承,因為我最近被印度曼尼普爾的英帕爾的靈氣大師 Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma 靈氣點化了。 Somo 是最稀有的寶石。

前段時間,在訪問印度東北部偏遠地區英帕爾時,我成為了嚴重胃痙攣的受害者,沒有任何對抗療法的藥物可以治愈這種痙攣。正是Somo,他充滿能量的手瞬間就解決了這個問題。從那時起,他一直在說服我了解靈氣的各個方面。他犧牲了時間來到金奈-大約 3000 公里的距離-引導我了解靈氣。我現在是靈氣 I 和 II 的能量通道。靈氣的力量也一直沒有離開我。

在我最近的白內障手術中,他給了我遠距離治療。作為一名糖尿病患者,儘管每天兩次服用 20 個單位的胰島素,但我的血糖水平仍徘徊在 250 毫克/升左右。因此進行手術有風險的因素,醫生不願繼續。然而,在手術前一天,糖分降至 140,即使由於手術原因醫生要求停用胰島素,糖分也從未超過 110 毫克/升。在我迫切希望得以完成手術的時候,我認為這是一個了不起的轉變。後來的手術很成功。我現在相當確信靈氣是通過 Somo -我的朋友、哲學家和嚮導 而行動的。



《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Helps Diabetic
Dear Mr. Rand: I do not know how to thank you adequately for introducing this wonderful method to me and to my members of the family who were skeptical to begin with. You might ask why I am thanking you when you have not met me or talked to me. I belong to your proud lineage having been attuned recently by Reiki Master Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma of Imphal, Manipur, India. Somo is a gem of the rarest species. Sometime ago during a visit to Imphal—a remote northeastern part of India—I fell a victim to severe stomach cramps which no allopathic medicine would cure. It was Somo who by a mere flash of his energetic hands eliminated the problem. Since then he has been persuading me to understand Reiki in all its dimensions He sacrificed his time to come down to Chennai- a distance of about 3000 kms—to induct me to Reiki. I am now a Reiki I and II Channel. Also the power of Reiki was not lost on me. He gave me distant healing during my recent cataract surgery. As a diabetic, my sugar levels were hovering around 250 mg/l despite 20 units of Insulin twice a day. Therefore the surgery had a risk element and the doctors were reluctant to go ahead. The day prior to surgery, however, the sugar dipped to 140 and even when Insulin was discontinued on doctors orders for surgical reasons, the sugar never went above 110 mg/l. I thought it was a remarkable turnaround at a time when I was keen that I should have the surgery done.The surgery was a success. I am now fairly well convinced that Reiki has acted through Somo—my friend, philosopher and guide.

My grateful thanks to Reiki and the Ascended Masters.

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