
靈氣治愈多重傷害 Reiki Heals Multiple Injuries
這是一個 10 年前的事故案例,受傷後導致多處骨折、頭部外傷、中風和腦腫瘤。這個人在醫院裡住了幾個月,進出康復中心。她的身體功能方面完整,但留下了嚴重的炎症、關節疼痛和癲癇症。大量的消炎藥和止痛藥給她的胃造成了嚴重的痛苦,並導致了潰瘍和消化不良。她的身體左側也很虛弱。她來到我們的康復醫院門診進行物理治療和職能治療。鍛煉導致她的疼痛嚴重增加。由於我會傳統療法和靈氣治療,因此該病例被轉介給我。


第二天,病人疼痛劇烈,不得不服用止痛藥。當患者來接受第三次治療時,她說她感覺很糟糕,但仍然對治療持積極的態度。我解釋說這是很正常的,因為所有的負面因素都在體內,而靈氣則起到抗氧化劑的作用,將它們帶出。在第三次治療後她感覺很好,沒有疼痛,並且不再使用止痛藥和抗炎藥。她說她已經 10 年沒有感覺這麼好了。自從開始使用靈氣療法後,她的癲癇就再也沒有發作過。她仍在接受肌力的強化治療,並接受 15 分鐘的靈氣治療作為鼓勵。

Hima N. Dalal

《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Heals Multiple Injuries
This is a 10 year-old accident case with multiple fractures, head trauma, stroke, and brain tumor following injury. The person was in the hospital for several months and in and out of rehab. She was successful with physical abilities but was left with severe inflammation and joint pain and epilepsy. A heavy anti-inflammatory and painkiller caused severe distress in her stomach and caused an ulcer and indigestion. She was also left with weakness in the left side of her body. She came to our outpatient rehab hospital for physical therapy and occupational therapy. Exercising was causing a severe increase in her pain. The case was referred to me since I do conventional therapy plus Reiki sessions.

At the end of the first session the patient felt very relaxed. The pain reduced to nothing. She felt a gushing of energy and warmth and went home and slept several hours, something she hadn't done in 10 years. The next day the pain came back. But the indigestion problem was resolved completely. With the next session the patient went into a deep trance/meditative state within the first two minutes of the treatment. Lots of adhesions in and around the fracture site in the face, ribs, breast-bone, left knee, ankle, and leg were released. Her face became very expressive. Tension would cause her to grimacing with pain and then would follow with a calm face as adhesions released. She woke up saying, "I was with you but felt like I was just too far away and it was like being under a local anesthetic. I felt relaxed."

The next day, the patient was in severe pain and had to take pain medicine. When the patient came for her third session she said she felt very bad but still positive about the treatment. I explained it is very normal since all the negativities are in the body and Reiki is acting as antioxidant to bring them out. She felt great after the third treatment with no pain and is off pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs. She said she hasn't felt this good in 10 years. Since Reiki has been started she hasn't had a seizure relapse. She is still under therapy for strengthening and receives fifteen minute Reiki session as a boost.

Author Name:
Hima N. Dalal

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