
靈氣協助車禍傷害和中風 Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke

幾個月後,我飛往捷克共和國的布拉格看望我父親。那時他已經 89 歲了,很孤獨,因為我母親幾年前去世了。一天晚上,我和我的女朋友出去看了一場非常漂亮的藝術展,演出結束後不久我就回家和我爸爸在一起。我在桌子底下發現我父親倒在一大灘血泊中昏迷不醒。我毫不猶豫地開始給他注入靈氣,並保持非常冷靜。我把我爸爸搬到一個更舒適的地方,我正在和他說話。父親睜開眼睛,臉上帶著溫和的表情和自信,他說他知道他會沒事的。這時我叫了救護車。 MRI 的結果非常糟糕,中風造成了嚴重的腦損傷。簡而言之,後來我父親的大腦恢復了,因為我經常和他開玩笑說他的記憶力比我好,他活到了 91 歲。我非常感謝靈氣給我所有的愛、勇氣、創造力、開放的心和它給我的生活帶來的快樂。


《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke
One day after my yoga class, I witnessed a car accident where an older gentleman was thrown out of his jeep right on the cement sidewalk. He laid there without any signs of life, with a severely bleeding head injury. Without any thoughts or hesitation I parked me car and walked toward him. I started to give him Reiki, and gently moved his body to a safer place. I remember talking to him and sending a lots of Reiki energy to him, he gently opened his eyes and he smiled and thanked me. When the ambulance came I said good-bye to him and one man followed me. I turned around and he said that he witnessed angels around me and the injured man and asked me if I was a nurse. I should clarify also that before this occurrence I had tremendous fear of blood. Reiki just melted my fear completely away.

Well, a couple of months later I flew to Prague, Czech republic to visit my father. He was then 89 years old and lonely, since my mother passed away a couple of years before. One evening I went out with my girlfriend to very a beautiful art show and shortly after the show went home to be with my dad. I found my father under the table unconscious in a large pool of blood. Without any hesitation I started to flow Reiki to him and stayed very calm. I moved my dad to more a comfortable place and I was talking to him. My father opened his eyes, and with a gentle expression and confidence on his face he told that he knows he will be all right. At this point I called the ambulance. The results from MRI were pretty grim, major brain damage from the stroke. To make the story short, my father's mind recovered as I often joked with him that his memory was better than mine and he lived to be 91. I am so grateful to Reiki for all the love, courage, creativity, opening of my heart and joy that it brought into my life.

Author Name:
Dascha Friedl

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