
多虧了靈氣,我又能走路了 I'm walking again thanks to Reiki
7 月 27 日,我嚴重扭傷了腳踝,甚至還撞傷了一根骨頭。當我因為疼痛而昏迷不醒時,某個不知名的好心人開車送我去了醫院。當我們到達醫院時,腳踝已經腫到像一個大壘球那麼大,並且開始出現瘀傷。在等待醫生的時候,我在腳踝上做了靈氣。我在候診室待了一個多小時。在檢查了 X 光片後,醫生告訴我,我的五根韌帶都撕裂了,損壞了軟骨並弄碎了一塊骨頭。她告訴我,我會拄著拐杖至少兩個星期或更長時間,然後需要拐杖一個月左右。我繼續每天在腳踝上做兩到三次靈氣,並在受傷後的兩天內可以用腳走路。到那時,腫脹​​已經完全消退,而大面積的瘀傷僅持續了一周。我從來不需要拐杖或手杖,現在僅僅一個月後,腳踝並沒有任何疼痛。這幾乎就好像它從未發生過一樣。


《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

I'm walking again thanks to Reiki
On July 27th, I seriously sprained an ankle and even managed to chip a bone in it. Some kind, unknown person drove me to the hospital as I was passing in and out of consciousness because of the pain. By the time we arrived at the hospital, the ankle had swollen to the size of a large softball and the bruising had begun. While waiting to be seen by a doctor, I did Reiki on the ankle. I was in the waiting room for more than an hour. After reviewing the x-rays the doctor told me that I had torn all five ligaments damaged the cartilage and chipped a bone. She told me that I would be on crutches for a minimum of two weeks or longer and then would require a cane for a month or so after that. I continued to do Reiki on the ankle two to three times a day and was walking on the foot within two days of the injury. By then the swelling had completely subsided, and the bruising, which was extensive, lasted only a week. I never did need the crutches or the cane, and now only a month later, am not experiencing any pain in the ankle. It's almost as if it never happened.

Author Name:
Penny Lighthall

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