
靈氣與乳癌 Cancer Healed
我叫 Sarbjit Bhardwaj,住在印度新德里。我在 2007 年 9 月被診斷出患有乳腺癌,並在同月立即進行了手術。之後,我在接下來的八個月裡接受了化療和放療。我的治療於 2008 年 5 月結束,但在 2008 年 10 月,癌症又復發了。這次我的肝臟和骨骼是它的目標。醫生沒有給我希望,並被告知他們可以使用另一種藥物,我再次接受了化療。 2008 年 11 月和 12 月的整個月裡,我都臥床不起,即便是坐著幾秒鐘都沒有辦法。醫生失去了希望並告訴我這是癌症的晚期階段。但其他事情注定要發生。

2009 年 1 月 1 日,我丈夫在報紙上閱讀了靈氣治療基金會的廣告。他立即打電話給 N.K. Sharma 並在同一天預約了。在見到 Sharma 博士後,我們充滿了希望。靈性導師 Guruji 掃描了我的氣場並開始緊急治療。我的情況有所改善,一周內我開始能夠坐下和走路。在 靈性導師(Guruji 和 Guruma)的建議下,我們都在 09 年 1 月 10 日和 11 日學習了靈氣。之後我的情況發生了翻天覆地的變化。我開始每天給自己靈氣。在看到我的病情有所改善後,我的對抗療法醫生建議在第三個化療週期後進行檢查。出乎所有人的意料,所有測試都正常。

其次,因為我的脖子上有癌症,而且那個地方沒有長出頭髮。我給了那個地區靈氣(只有一次),然後就忘記了。兩到三天后,我注意到那個區域的頭髮開始生長。我和我的家人對靈氣的感激之情無法用語言來解釋。這是一個奇蹟。我很確定我已經通過靈氣治癒了。 靈性導師(Guruji 和 Guruma) 萬分感謝您。祂們不僅幫助我們擺脫了所有的問題,而且讓我們對新的生活方式大開眼界。

S.K. Bhardwaj

《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Cancer Healed
My name is Sarbjit Bhardwaj and I live in New Delhi, India. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September, 2007, and was operated on immediately the same month. After that I was given chemotherapy and radiation for the next eight months. My treatment was over in May, 2008, but in October, 2008, the cancer returned. This time my liver and bones were its target. Doctors gave me no hope and were told that there is another type of medicine also they could use and I received chemotherapy once again. I was bed ridden during the whole month of November and December, 2008 and unable to sit even for a few seconds. Doctors lost hope and told me that it was an advanced stage of cancer. But something else was destined to happen.

On 1st January, 2009 my husband read the Reiki Healing Foundation's advertisement in a newspaper. He immediately called Dr. N.K. Sharma and got an appointment for the same day. After meeting Dr. Sharma we were full of hope. Guruji scanned my aura and started emergency healing. My condition improved and I started to sit and walk within a week. After being advised by Guruji and Guruma, we both learnt Reiki on 10th & 11th Jan., 09. After that there was a sea change in my condition. I started giving Reiki to myself daily. After seeing the improvement in my condition, my Allopathic Doctor suggested tests to be done after the third cycle of chemotherapy. To everybody’s surprise, all the tests were normal.

Secondly, as there was cancer in my neck, and hair did not grow in that area. I gave Reiki (only once) to that area and forgot about it. After two to three days, I noticed that hair had started growing in that area. I and my family are so thankful to Reiki that I can t explain it in words. It is a miracle. I am very sure that I have been cured through Reiki. Guruji and Guruma ko SHAT SHAT PRANAM. Not only have they helped us to get rid of all our problems, but also they have opened our eyes toward a new approach to life.

Author Name:
S.K. Bhardwaj

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