
我的一些靈氣經驗 Some of My Reiki Experiences
1994 年,我接觸到靈氣這個美妙的能量。當接受靈氣時,我的親身經歷給我留下了深刻的印象,這讓我繼續靈氣的學習和教育。我在 1996 年獲得了靈氣大師資格。


我在 1997 年開設了我的辦公室和治療所,並在「你可以治愈你的生活(You Can Heal Your Life)」 的作者Louise L. Hay 的指導下接受了培訓。然後她出版了我的書「天使,光之守護者,我的天使藝術和哲學的集合。(Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.)」



Inge 被診斷出患有一種稱為格林-巴利症候群(Guillain-Barre syndrome) 的嚴重疾病,這是一種急性脫髓鞘性多發神經炎症疾病。她在斯坦福醫學中心(Stanford Medical Center)的醫生告訴她,她可能無法再走路了,並且將無限期地被限制在輪椅上。當她來找我尋求幫助時,她的體重減輕了很多,頭髮也開始脫落,身體非常虛弱,但她願意並接受靈氣來幫助她達到治癒的目標。在三個月的時間裡,我每週給她兩次靈氣,六個月後她就可以自己走路了,完全康復了。她的醫生對她恢復的速度均一無所知。她現在過著幸福、健康的生活。


我提醒她她的生日派對即將到來,鼓勵她在她特殊的日子裡保持健康和快樂。我在她身上工作了 45 分鐘,仔細觀察。我完成後,她的護士用詢問的眼神走近我,告訴我凱特琳在接受靈氣治療時一直在自己呼吸。凱特琳現在已經十幾歲了,過著健康的生活。






Some of My Reiki Experiences
In 1994, I was introduced to the wonderful energy of Reiki. I was impressed with my personal experience when receiving Reiki, which then lead me to pursue my study and education in the same. I received the Master Level in 1996.

My entire life changed—professionally, spiritually, and personally. To this day the overall experience has left me in wonder of the major life transition that has led me to where I am today. Before then, I worked in corporate America, but I ended up quitting my job, and began to paint angels and spiritual subject matter professionally.

I opened my office and clinic in 1997, and met and trained under Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life . She then published my book, Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.

My education continued onward in order to became a non-denominational minister. The energy continues to manifest forward, as I continue to teach Reiki within the public school systems and in hospitals, training nurses in Reiki. I am honored to be on staff at a local hospital administering Reiki to patients as well.

The following are a few of the many stories inspired by personal clients.

Inge was diagnosed with a severe medical condition called Guillian-Barre syndrome, which is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Her physicians at Stanford Medical Center told her that she would probably not walk again, and be confined to a wheel chair for an indefinite period of time. When she came to me asking for help, she had lost a considerable amount of weight, was losing her hair, and was very weak, yet she was willing and accepting of having Reiki to assist with her goal to be healed. I gave her Reiki twice a week for a period of three months, and within six months she was walking on her own, completely healed. Her doctors were at a loss as to how quickly she had recovered. She is now living a happy, healthy life.

Katelyn was a small child of five when I first treated her. I received a call from her grandmother one evening telling me that her granddaughter had been struck by a car leaving her in a coma. Her grandmother was requesting Reiki for her. She had been placed in ICU at Children's Hospital in Oakland,California, hooked up to respirators and monitors. Once cleared by medical staff, I was very careful of my hand placement, gently speaking to her during the session, knowing in my heart that she could hear me on some level.

I reminded her that her birthday party was coming soon, encouraging her to be well and happy for her special day. I worked on her for a period of 45 minutes, closely observed. After I finished, her nurse approached me with questioning eyes informing me that Katelyn had been breathing on her own while being given Reiki. Katelyn is now well into her teens, living a healthy life.

Anne, a female client, was experiencing edema, a dramatic swelling, in her ankles. Within a one- hour session, the swelling had diminished completely. Amazing.

I take no personal credit, or let my ego become involved regarding any of the above sessions or healings other than being a vessel for Reiki energy to flow through. This is a blessing within itself: knowing that we, as Reiki healers, have the capability of extending divine energy through ourselves and on to others. I am pleased that Reiki has become so widely accepted in the field of alternative healing, which often no longer needs a complicated explanation of what it is. I believe that Reiki heals the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.


Author Name:
Rev. Karen Haughey

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