
靈氣能幫助降低高血壓嗎?Can Reiki Help Lower High Blood Pressure?
高血壓,影響著全世界數百萬人。 事實上,世界衛生組織報告說,全世界 18 歲以上的人中,目前有近四分之一的人患有這種疾病。 許多不同的治療方法可用於治療這種情況,包括藥物治療、飲食改變和運動。 此外,一些患者還發現他們可以透過在治療中加入靈氣療法來改善這個症狀。

當您的血液的壓力過大時,就會發生高血壓,從而導致血管壁受損。 高血壓的一些症狀包括頭痛、流鼻血和呼吸急促,但許多患有這種疾病的人在血壓達到危險水平之前不會出現任何症狀。 當血壓變得極高或長期未治療高血壓時,可能會導致許多併發症。 高血壓的一些可能併發症包括記憶問題、心力衰竭、心臟病發作、中風和動脈瘤。 由於這種情況,有些人的眼睛和/或腎臟也可能出現問題。

血壓通常使用藥物治療,包括利尿劑和β受體阻滯劑(Beta blockers)。 必鼓勵高血壓患者注意鈉的攝入量,保持健康的體重,並定期鍛煉。 此外,大多數醫生會指導高血壓患者盡可能避免壓力。

靈氣是一種日本的治療法,專注於每個人內在精神能量的自然流動。 這種療法背後的概念是,身體內能量通路的阻塞或中斷可能是由疾病或不平衡引起的,這包括壓力,這也可能是高血壓的因素之一。 如果這些通路得到修復和/或疏通,能量便可以自由流動,身體的自然與平衡將得到恢復。

靈氣的一些作用可能對患有高血壓的人有益。 具體來說,靈氣也許能夠:

壓力、焦慮或緊張會導致血壓升高。 參加靈氣課程可以幫助人們放鬆,從而間接降低血壓。

不良的睡眠習慣與高血壓有關。 靈氣可以改善睡眠習慣和睡眠品質,這也可以降低血壓和/或減少與高血壓相關的併發症的可能性。





南格拉斯哥大學醫院(South Glasgow University Hospital)的研究人員進行的一項研究調查了靈氣療法對一組健康參與者的自主神經系統的影響。研究發現,靈氣療法顯著降低了心率和舒張壓。

德克薩斯大學休斯頓健康科學中心(University of Texas Houston Health Science Center)的研究人員進行的另一項研究發現,30 分鐘的靈氣治療可降低焦慮感和血管的收縮壓。該研究還發現靈氣治療增加了唾液的 IgA 水平和皮膚溫度。

在巴西完成的第三項研究進一步證實了靈氣可以降低血壓的證據。在這項研究中,共有 66 名參與者被分為三組:一組接受靈氣治療,一組接受安慰劑,一組作為對照。儘管所有三組都出現了血壓下降,但在接受靈氣治療的組中效果最好。

《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》
《大數據研究 靈氣對身心健康的效用》

Can Reiki Help Lower High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, which may also be referred to as Hypertension affects millions of people all over the world. In fact, the World Health Organization reports that nearly one in four people around the world over the age of 18 are currently living with this condition. Many different treatments are used to deal with this condition, including medications, dietary changes, and exercise. In addition, some patients have also found that they can improve their symptoms by adding Reiki treatments to their therapeutic regimen.

How High Blood Pressure Affects You
High blood pressure occurs when the pressure exerted by your blood flow is too strong, causing damage to the walls of your blood vessels. Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath, but many people with this condition don’t have any symptoms until their blood pressure reaches a dangerous level. When blood pressure gets extremely high or high blood pressure remains untreated for a long period of time, a number of complications may result. Some of the possible complications of high blood pressure include memory problems, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and aneurysm. Some people may also experience problems with their eyes and/or kidneys because of this condition.

Blood pressure is usually treated with medications, including diuretics and beta-blockers. People with high blood pressure are also encouraged to watch their sodium intake, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. In addition, most physicians instruct patients with high blood pressure to avoid stress as much as they can.

What Can Reiki Do for People with Hypertension?
Reiki is a Japanese therapy that focuses on the natural flow of spiritual energy within each individual. The idea behind this therapy is that blockages or disruptions in energy pathways within the body can result from illness or imbalance and this includes stress which can be a factor in high blood pressure. If these pathways are repaired and/or unblocked, energy can flow freely and the body’s natural balance will be helped to be restored.

Several of the effects of Reiki may be beneficial to people who suffer from high blood pressure. Specifically, Reiki may be able to:
Induce feelings of relaxation.
Being stressed, anxious or nervous can raise blood pressure. Participating in Reiki sessions may help people to relax, thus lowering their blood pressure indirectly.

Lead to better sleep.
Poor sleep habits have been connected to high blood pressure. Reiki may improve sleep habits and the quality of sleep, which may also lower blood pressure and/or reduce the likelihood of complications related to high blood pressure.

Reduce sensations of pain.
Pain causes people to feel stressed, which raises blood pressure. Reiki treatments may reduce people’s perceptions of pain, which prevents blood pressure increases related to pain sensation.

Improve the mood.
Another possible effect of Reiki treatment is the elevation of mood and alleviation of symptoms of depression. When people with high blood pressure are feeling better about life and about themselves, they are more likely to be proactive in making lifestyle changes and following doctors’ recommendations with regard to the management of high blood pressure.

Reiki is non-invasive and requires no painful manipulation or pressure. Instead, the practitioner simply places his or her hands above the patient in a specific position. Alternatively, the practitioner may touch the patient lightly during treatment.

Relevant Research
Reiki’s potential benefits for people with high blood pressure are well supported by recent research. Some of the studies that have explored the relationship between Reiki and blood pressure are detailed below.

Changes to the Autonomic Nervous System During Reiki
A study conducted by researchers at South Glasgow University Hospital investigated the effect of Reiki treatments on the autonomic nervous systems of a group of healthy participants. The study found that Reiki treatments decreased both heart rate and diastolic blood pressure significantly.

Biochemical and Physiological Changes Related to Reiki
Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Houston Health Science Center found that a 30 minute Reiki treatment produced lower perceptions of anxiety and lower systolic blood pressure. The study also found that Reiki treatment increased salivary IgA levels and skin temperature.

Effect of Reiki on Blood Hypertension
A third study completed in Brazil further solidifies the evidence that Reiki can lower blood pressure. In this study, a total of 66 participants were divided into three groups: one group that received Reiki treatment, one group that received a placebo, and one group that acted as a control. Although all three groups experienced a drop in blood pressure, the effect was greatest among the people in the group that received Reiki treatments.


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