

自 1998 年我第一次接受培訓以來,我一直在使用靈氣。從那時起,我成為了一名靈氣大師和 Karuna 靈氣大師,並學習了水晶靈氣。去年我再次接受了聖火靈氣大師的培訓。我對於聖火能量的溫柔而感到驚訝。在過去的兩個月裡,我有一個客戶患有嚴重的健康問題,並且在過去三年中這個問題一直存在。她看過很多醫生,但沒有人能確定她每次吃飯時嘔吐的生理原因。她諮詢的一些醫生告訴她,這是由於她的精神狀況造成的。她對此不知所措。

那時,我最近搬到了科羅拉多州,並與我的新牧師談論了靈氣。他談到了這個女人的狀況,建議她來看我。她最後與我預約了會面,從她對她的健康問題的描述中,我提到她可能有附靈(Spirit Attachment)的狀況。我詢問她的許可,看看這個假設是否屬實。她同意了。我和她一起使用了驅除附體的工具和技巧。她確實有一個附靈,後來它被清除了。由於她的健康問題和虛弱的狀態,我建議她在 10 天內再進行兩次靈氣療程。我也覺得她的家需要清理。她讓我去她家看看有沒有附靈。我走進她家的每個房間並清理每個房間。當我們到達她的臥室時,當我試圖清理它時,她再次感到不適並向我提起了這件事。我檢查了她的脈輪,她的脈輪又被關閉了。然後我又一次清理了她的脈輪,接著回去清理她的臥室。清理完所有房間後,我給了她聖火靈氣。第三次和她會面,我又回到她家再次檢查她是否淨化完全,她的家是否沒有任何附靈。一切都清淨了。當我準備離開她家時,她說她有點頭疼。站在她的廚房裡,我再次給了她聖火靈氣,她的整個身體似乎都在重新調整。從那以後,她便一直沒有生病。她的思想變得更清楚了,她的能量與精力都又回來了,她現在可以吃任何東西而不嘔吐。


《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Clears Spirit Attachment
I have been using Reiki since 1998 when I was first trained. Since then I became a Reiki Master teacher, a Karuna Reiki® Master teacher and have studied Crystal Reiki. Last year I was trained again as a Holy Fire Reiki Master teacher. I am amazed with the Holy Fire energy and with the gentleness others receive. During the last two months, I have had a client with a serious health problem that has persisted for the past three years. She had gone to many doctors and none of them could determine a physical reason for why she vomited every time she ate. Some of the doctors that she consulted told her that it was due to her mental condition. She was at her wits’ end.

At that point, I had recently moved to Colorado and had spoken to my new pastor about Reiki. He spoke to this particular woman, recommending that she come to see me. She eventually did make an appointment and from her description of her health problems, I mentioned that she may have a spirit attachment. I asked her if I had her permission to see if this was true. She agreed. I used the Holy Fire spirit attachment tools and techniques with her. She did have an attachment, and it was cleared. Because of her health issues and weakened state, I recommended that she have two more sessions within a 10-day period. I also felt that her home needed to be cleared. She allowed me to come to her home to see if there were any attachments there. I went into every room of her house and cleared each room. When we got to her bedroom, as I was trying to clear it, she felt ill again and mentioned that to me. I checked her chakras and she was shut down again. Once I cleared her chakras, I went back to clearing her bedroom. Once all the rooms were cleared I gave her Holy Fire Reiki. For my third session with her, I returned to her home to check again to see if she was clear and her home was clear of any attachments. All was clear. When I was ready to leave her home, she commented that she had a slight headache. While standing in her kitchen, I again gave her Holy Fire Reiki and her whole body appeared to be realigning. She has not been ill since. She is thinking more clearly, her energy has returned and she now can eat anything without vomiting.

Author Name:
Gloria Owens

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