
靈氣治愈夜盲問題Reiki Heals a Night Vision Problem

在與威廉·李連 (William Rand) 上靈氣課程的第三天之後,我非常擔心晚上開車回家。我與夜盲症奮戰了大約 20 年,但在過去的 10 年裡,它幾乎變得更加癱瘓了。它確實影響了我在日落後各種能做與否的事情。我不得不對許多機會和社交活動說“不”,因為它們會讓我在天黑後出門上路。

我最後一天課程的靈氣夥伴是 Cheryl Ernst 和 Mickey,隨著時間的流逝,他們知道我的擔憂。我在靈氣治療桌上的時光是如此美妙、滋養和放鬆-沒有看到太多東西,只有一種平靜的感覺。但隨後我聽到威廉說:"好吧,是時候把你的人輕輕帶回來了……”在我睜開眼睛的最後一刻,我的潛意識看見了有數千個白色錐體物填滿了黑色的區塊!夜盲症是由於眼睛中的“視錐細胞和視桿細胞”失衡引起的。我與小組中的人分享了我的經歷,Cheryl 告訴我她曾要求聖火給我清晰的視野。我在心裡知道她的祈禱和意圖已經得到了回應!



謝麗爾 (Esme)

《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》
《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Heals a Night Vision Problem
Following Day three of a Holy Fire Reiki class with William Rand, I was very concerned about the drive home at night. I have battled night blindness for about 20 years, and it has become all but crippling in the past 10 years. It has really impacted what I can and cannot do involving driving after sunset. I have had to say “no” to many opportunities and social engagements because they would have put me on the road after dark.

My Reiki partners for the last day of class were Cheryl Ernst and Mickey, and they knew of my concerns as the minutes ticked by. My time on the Reiki table was so wonderful, nourishing and relaxing—not a lot of visuals, just a sense of peace. But then I heard William saying “Alright, time to bring your person gently back...” In the last moment as I was opening my eyes, my subconscious visual field was FILLED with thousands of white cones on a black field! Night blindness is caused by an imbalance of “cones and rods” in the eyes. I shared what I had experienced with those in my group, and Cheryl told me that she had asked Holy Fire to give me clear vision. I knew in my heart her prayer and intention had been answered!

As darkness settled in over the horizon that night, I felt the usual concern about the gathering darkness in the skies. However, I was able to drive all the way home, on rural back-country roads, in complete darkness, IN THE RAIN with perfect night vision!!!! I have not driven at night in the rain in many years and many times had to pull over and wait it out or sleep in the car for the rest of the night if rain came unexpectedly!

Holy Fire healed my night vision!!! I still feel wonderment and amazement at such a gift, and so very blessed!

Author Name:
Cheryl (Esme)

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