
對重症的嬰兒使用靈氣 RN Uses Reiki on Critically Ill Infant
我是美國的一名兒科護士,一直熱衷於將安全、非侵入性的補充醫學融入我的護理中。 2018 年 10 月,我遇到了一個三個月大的女嬰,她患有因膽道閉鎖而導致的繼發性肝功能衰竭。她在此之前一個月接受了手術,試圖解決問題,但沒有成功。此時,唯一能挽救她生命的就是肝臟移植手術。她的身體狀況太不穩定,無法回家,所以她在醫院住了幾個月,直到她接受了移植手術。在這五個月中,我與這個嬰兒建立了非常牢固的連結和聯繫,並且非常依戀她。我會一有機會就對她進行靈氣治療,並祈禱她能接受移植手術。

2019年3月,她終於接受了肝臟移植手術。她一離開手術室就進入重症監護室,她的身體立即開始排斥它,並因此出現了幾種危及生命的併發症。她瀕臨死亡。靠著上帝的恩典,她第二天又進行了一次肝臟移植手術。外科醫生、醫生、護士和醫務人員都認為她無法活著完成第二次移植手術。她是一個八個月大的嬰兒,在第一次手術後倖存下來,存活的機會不到 1%。


她活著完成了第二次移植手術,但她的康復之路絕非易事。她無法自主呼吸並插管了近一個月,她因服用所有強效藥物而導致腎功能衰竭,她因臥床而患上褥瘡,她接受了 3 次心肺復蘇,她處於極大的痛苦中。此時,醫生們仍然認為她的生存機會非常渺茫。如此之多,以至於她的父母簽署了放棄急救( DNR)。儘管如此,我和這個小組繼續每天對她做靈氣。

在 ICU 和每日的靈氣治療三個月後,她最終得以康復。她的腎臟也痊癒了,她可以自己呼吸了,她的肝臟功能也完全正常。現在是 2019 年 11 月,她與幾個月前完全不同。她坐著,胡言亂語,大笑,看起來很健康。任何看到她的人都充滿敬畏地盯著她說:“她還活著真是個奇蹟”。這不是奇蹟,這是靈氣。


《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

RN Uses Reiki on Critically Ill Infant
I am a pediatric nurse in the U.S. that's always been passionate about incorporating safe, non-invasive complementary medicine into my care. In October of 2018, I met a 3 month old baby girl who was in liver failure secondary to biliary atresia. She had gotten a procedure 1 month prior to that in an attempt to fix the problem, but it was unsuccessful. At this point, the only thing that would save her life was a liver transplant. She was too medically unstable to go home, so she remained in the hospital for several months until she got her transplant. Throughout those 5 months, I built a very strong bond and connection to this baby and became very attached to her. I would perform Reiki on her every chance I got and prayed that she would get a transplant.

In March of 2019, she finally got a liver transplant. As soon as she got out of the OR and into the ICU, her body immediately began rejecting it and was having several life-threatening complications from it. She was dying. Through the grace of God, she was able to get another liver transplant the next day. The surgeons, doctors, nurses, and medical staff all thought she would never make it out of the second transplantation alive. She was an 8 month old baby who was barely surviving from the first surgery and had less than a 1% chance of survival.

I was in a state of complete panic. I was desperate for her to get better and began sending her distance Reiki every chance I got, but I felt like it wasn't enough. I reached out to one of my friends who also does Reiki and told her what was going on and asked her if she could also please send Reiki to this baby girl. Not only did she send Reiki daily, but she also told several of her friends from all around the world to do so as well. She was receiving Reiki from Guatemala, Brazil, Germany, and South Africa.

She made it out of the second transplantation alive, but her recovery was far from easy. She was unable to breathe on her own and remained intubated for almost 1 month, she went into kidney failure from all the strong medications she was on, she got pressure ulcers from being bed bound, she was resuscitated 3 times, and she was in an insane amount of pain. At this point, the doctors still believed that she had a very slim shot at survival. So much so, that her parents signed a DNR. Despite that, this group and I continued to do Reiki on her daily.

After 3 months in the ICU and daily Reiki, she was able to recover. Her kidneys healed, she was breathing on her own, and her liver was fully functioning. It is now November of 2019 and she is a completely different baby from a few months ago. She sits, babbles, laughs, and looks so healthy. Anyone that sees her stares in complete awe and says "It's a miracle she's alive". It's no miracle, it's Reiki.

Author Name:
Alison Fernandez

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